domenica 20 novembre 2016

Red Bull Knock Out 2016: gli highlights della vittoria di Herlings

Il Red Bull Knock Out 2016, corso sulla spiaggia olandese di Scheveningen, è stato dominato da Jeffrey Herlings, che oltre al motocross più classico riesce ad affermarsi anche in altre competizioni di fuoristrada. Sono saliti accanto a lui sul podio due compagni di marca: Nathan Watson e Glenn Coldenhoff.

Ecco la classifica finale:

Red Bull Knock Out – Top Ten

1. Jeffrey Herlings (KTM)
2. Nathan Watson (KTM)
3. Glenn Coldenhoff (KTM)
4. Steve Ramon (Suzuki)
5. Axel Van de Sande (Yamaha)
6. Maxime Renaux
7. Camille Chapeliere
8. Victor Brossier
9. Daymond Martens
10. Timothee Florin

Jeffrey Herlings: Its been good, obviously with the half final the track was flat, but as it got rough I got better. We did a great job as a team. We are not specialists in this type of racing. I had great racing and I showed I am number one. I started at motocross speed at the final, it was like a Grand Prix, and I pulled a gap and went from there. This is the toughest beach race in the world. I think when I hit my bed tonight I will sleep straight away.

Ti potrebbe interessare anche Audi E-Bike.

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