mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

Tribute to Alpinestars - The Official Video Ad One Goal One Vision

Alpinestars Official Logo
Alpinestars, un capolavoro dell'ingegno italiano.

We can’t expect that everyone is as passionate about racing as we are.

We can’t expect that everyone is able to hear the silent call of the sea at 5 AM.

Not everyone possesses the ability to smell the difference between rich and lean.

Nor the ear to differentiate the bark of two cylinders from four.

It would not be fair of us to assume that the world understands the yearning, and overwhelming compulsion that we have, to push through pain, angst, frustration and failure.

Some people might not understand the desire to test physical limits…

Conquer fear…

Or tangle with the forces of gravity and physics.

But we don’t make product for them.

We look to the future…

But embrace our past…

We study…

We analyze…

We race on Sunday…

So we can innovate on Monday.

We exercise trial and error religiously…

Through our commitment to the pursuit of perfection…

We learn…

How to make product for the people that are capable of dedicating everything to sport, whether there is a championship involved or not.


One Goal. One Vision.

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MxLynx è il sito ideale se vuoi rimanere aggiornato per tutto ciò che riguarda il mondo delle due ruote. Noi infatti non ci limitiamo alle moto o al ciclismo, ma spaziamo da un campo all'altro, tenendovi aggiornati sulle ultime novità riguardanti il motocross, le bici da corsa, le bici a scatto fisso o fixed bike e il bdc forum ciclismo su strada. Le e-bike sono il trend del momento e noi ci teniamo a rimanere al passo coi tempi anche su questo punto.

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