venerdì 15 marzo 2013

2013 San Felipe 250 - JCR Honda Takes the Win

"And Justice for all" was the theme at the opening round of the 2013 SCORE San Felipe 250.

Fueled by Rockstar Energy, Timmy Weigand and Colton Udall strike first in what is shaping up to be a record smashing season of SCORE racing.

The duo took command of the race early with Colton Udall on the bike and on the gas passing his way up to 2nd in physical and 1st on adjusted by JCR/Honda Pit 1. Timmy got on the bike and had a collision with a large rock that split the rear rim. Johnny Campbell radioed in an emergency strategy change and JCR/Honda journeyman tech Mitch Hamm was on hand to do an unplanned 1X wheel change. His poise under pressure allowed for a smooth, fast pit and got the bike back underway. Now the racers would have to regroup and push hard to make up time.

With a new set of Dunlops and fierce intensity Timmy worked hard to get the race back on track. When he handed the bike back to Colton he had a substantial amount of ground left to make up and he put his head down and went to work. By the finish line he had pulled about 5+ min on the 1st & 2nd place bikes. Since JCR/Honda drew a back of the pack start position we knew things were not as they seemed at the finish. The boys took photos and signed autographs for fans and waited for SCORE to release the official results. It was announced the next morning after reviewing the tracking data that JCR/Honda was once again the winners of the San Felipe 250.

SCORE Pro Motorcycles Official results

1. Timmy Weigand, Valencia, Calif./Colton Udall, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 4:37:41 (54.67 mph) (Class 22)

Another worthy mention is that in the first 27 years of this race, Honda has earned 17 overall motorcycle victories (including 15 of the last 17 years).

“This was a real test,” said team owner Johnny Campbell. “The competition was tough as I expect they will be all year. I saw that Timmy & Colton are a strong team. They stuck together and stuck to the race strategy. I am very proud of both of them. Colton was riding with fire, super focused and Timmy was unstoppable.

“As I recently mentioned, I wouldn’t want to have to race against them. I am also very thankful to my pit crews, these guys are the best and we owe them a lot of thanks. I also want to recognize Scott Dunlavey and Tom “TJ” Jones, they have been with me for a long time and I value their support very much. We have some exciting news on the horizon including signing a new racer to the team for 2013 so stay tuned, it’s going to be a great year.” -- Johnny Campbell

Photo Credit: Mark Kariya

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