mercoledì 13 febbraio 2013

Sardegna Rally Race 2013: a preview with all the stages

Sardegna Rally Race
Cyril Despres won SRR first two editions. Marc Coma won twice. Jordi Viladoms won last year his first Sardegna Rally Race. World's best riders, historical ones and rising ones like Barreda and Botturi, will compete in Sardegna in order to win the most beautiful stage of Cross-Country Rally World Championship.
It is a choice that gives the opportunity to run side by side with the best drivers in the world.
It will be an unforgettable journey: the race will start in Alghero.

In its first part, Sardegna Rally Race 2013 edition traces the lines of a new legendary event with three stages in the west of Sardinia, a North-South Route, and a proposal of an unknown, fascinating Marathon Stage. In the second part, two new stages will cross the island towards west-east, passing through Sa Itria bivouac and arriving in San Teodoro, the "capital" of Bike Village, where Sardegna Rally Race 2013 will end crowning his sixth Champion.
After the Dakar, Sardegna Rally Race. Five days in paradise to enjoy the most beautiful competition, the richest in terms of contents and full of unbeatable locations, atmosphere and access costs. For Champions and Amateurs is the key project of a dream season. That has to be defined without doubts and quickly. To continue to dream!

Bike Village Events Calendar
From April the 26th, until April the 27th: Cavalcata del Sole
From May the 31st, until June the 5th: Sardegna Rally Race
From June the 2nd, until June the 5th: Raid TT Italian Championship
From November the 1st, until November the 3rd: Sardegna Legend Rally
Sardegna Rally Race 2013 timeline
January, the 31st: registrations opening
Until March, the 5th: rider rate euro 1.800,00
From March, the 6th until April the 15th: rider rate euro 2.200,00
From April the 16th until May, the 10th: rider rate 2.500,00
On May the 10th: registration final closure
Until 05/03/2013: assistant rate euro 800,00
From 06/03/2013 until 10/05/2013: assistant rate euro 1.100,00
ASSISTANCE VEHICLES: euro 700,00 each vehicle
30-31 May 2013: riders welcome and preliminary operations in Alghero
01 June 2013: Sardegna Rally Race first stage
02 June 2013: Sardegna Rally Race second stage
03 June 2013: Sardegna Rally Race third stage
04 June 2013: Sardegna Rally Race fourth stage
05 June 2013: Sardegna Rally Race fifth stage
01 June 2013: prize giving ceremony

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