sabato 23 febbraio 2013

New Zealand Motocross Championships - Opening round

Race Report from Cody Cooper:

"Hey every one,

Had a great weekend of racing down in Timaru at the first round of the NZ MX champs.
Started the day with getting pole for each race gate picks.
The day got hot really fast. Reaching a high of 36 deg.
Had 1 out of 3 good starts. With a little mishap of going of track and crashing when I had to go back around tyre to get back on.
End results for the day went – 2, 1, 3, for the overall.
Looking forward to next round at Patetonga on 10th feb.
Thanks to everyone that has helped me. I can’t thank you all enough.
Thanks to Chris Ritchie for the photos.

Thank you,
Cody Cooper."

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