domenica 17 febbraio 2013

International MX Italian Championship - Arco di Trento Report

World Motocross has landed on the track of Arco di Trento and today the International Championship have been awarded after a day of race full of emotions and public.

Antonio Cairoli won the Elite and MX1 Championship, in despite of a problem with the gear after a contact with a rider who has been overtaken, which obliged him to stop the elite race.

First has been Jeffrey Herlings. Second Stevan Frossard and third Ken De Dycker.

Today Antonio has been also the unopposed leader of the MX1. Second place for Steven Frossard and third for Evgeny Borbyshev.

Christophe Charlier is the new International MX Champion for the MX2 class, although Jeffrey Herlings won the race. Harry Kullas and Stefan Olsen finished second and third.

For the MX125 the 2013 Champion is Riccardo Righi. Second Tomass Sileika and third Kade Walker. Filippo Zonta has been the direct contender of the leader Righi, but he finish only on the second step of the daily podium.

Here the official results:

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