lunedì 18 febbraio 2013

Hell's Gate 2013 Report

HELL'S GATE METZELER 2013! Incredible. 123 competitors at the start. Almost half eliminated by the hardness of the race already at the end of the preliminary competition in the morning. And then, the thirty "survivors" who face the final event of Hell's Gate Metzeler 2013, planned as a time bomb on the distance of five laps. Too many for a so hard race, and Fabio Fasola realize it at the end of the first lap, but wait for the next one to take a timely and appropriate decision. The Race is shortened, only four laps, maybe “saving” Jonny Walker, that appeared very tired at the end of the Hell’s Peak final difficulty.
Five Pilots only pass the final test at the Hell’s Peak, the impossible ascent that finally closes the doors of the '"hell" of Fabio Fasola behind the best riders of the tenth anniversary of Hell's Gate Metzeler. The small task force is heroic and epic at the same time. Graham Jarvis wins for the third time equalizing, with his victories in 2010, 2011 and that of this evening, the previous record of successes held by David Knight, the first "infernal" Champion of the History of Hell's Gate. On the podium, alongside the English rider of the Husaberg Extreme Factory Team, his compatriot Jonny Walker, KTM, and the American Cody Webb (Beta). Off of the podium, but honored like the winners, Alfredo Gomez (Husaberg) and the other British of this exciting evening at Il Ciocco, Ben Hemingway. That’s the “company” of the strongest Riders in the world, grown and established themselves in the "school" of Hell's Gate.

The dynamics of the race is clear as the sky that has rewarded the perseverance of Fabio Fasola, giving to Hell’s Gate Metzeler 2013 a weekend of exceptional good weather after the snow storm of the recent days. At the start, the faster is Jonny Walker, who leads the very first part of the race, just to the Salamander Creek. At the pond, Graham Jarvis moves to the head, with about a minute of advantage. Same situation at the first passage of the Waterfalls, almost the end of the first lap. Then the rate imposed by Jarvis is something furious. 25 drivers remain “within" the 40-minute delay at the end of the first lap, but at the end of the second lap half of the competitors are excluded from the race, and only six Riders fail to close the third round. That’s the apparently simple story of the third victory of Graham Jarvis at Hell’s Gate Metzeler 2013.

Hell’s Gate Metzeler 2013. Final Result: 1. JARVIS Graham Peter (GBR, Husaberg); 2. WALKER Jonny (GBR, KTM); 3. WEBB Cody (USA, Beta); 4. GOMEZ CANTERO Alfredo (ESP, Husaberg); 5. HEMINGWAY Ben (GBR, Beta)

Press Hell’s Gate Metzeler 2013

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