lunedì 2 settembre 2013

Serres Rally 2013 - Race Report

Viladoms wins the Serres Rally, the second round of the Rally Pro Series.

The fifth and last day of Serres Rally saw the riders cover 221 km with 2 special stages. Despite a mechanical issue, Jordi Viladoms managed the advantage on Frans Verhoeven, second at +11’22, and claimed the victory of the Serres Rally, second round of the Rally Pro Series, the championship promoted by Edo Mossi.  A well deserved third place for Henk Knuiman, who won also today’s final stage.

Consistent throughout the rally, Pedro Bianchi Prada secured the 4th place in the RPS classification ahead of Nicolas Cardona, 5th, Marco Gandini, Cesare Zacchetti, Chris Barwick and Robert Van Pelt, the 19-year old Dutch rider who made his debut at the Dakar 2013 and finished the rally.

With the retirement of Sandro Calesini (winner of the XRally) and three new riders on the Serres podium, the Rally Pro Series championship is still open and the Merzouga Rally will be crucial to score the final prizes of 15,000 euro (7,500 euro for each category Rally and Raly Lite).

Jordi Viladoms 1st:
“The rally was harder than I expected but I enjoyed it a lot. Here I raced with the enduro bike and it was a good training. Now I look forward to test in Merzouga the new Gas Gas Rally bike, that is a development of the 2013 version, to finalize the preparation for the Dakar 2014”.

Frans Verhoeven 2nd:
“Covering 1,400 km on mountains trails with some very technical enduro tracks was a very good training, especially because I rode my Yamaha Rally machine. I was impressed by the beauty of the landscape here. I learned a lot but the work is not over, I will continue my preparation for Dakar 2014 at home, at the OilLibia and the Merzouga Rally”.

Henk Knuiman 3rd:
“I leave Serres with the third position overall and 2 stage wins. It was good for me because we don’t have this kind of terrain in Holland, it was a hard rally but good fun”.

Andrea Fesani, winner of the  Rally Lite desert Series 2012:
“The Rally Pro Series is an interesting championship because the three races are very different for terrain. It’s a very good training and the ambience is very friendly. I really enjoyed Serres, the landscape and the route were incredible. Xrally, Serres and in October we will race at Merzouga, where I expect big dunes, fast tracks, varied terrain and a demanding navigation”.

- Serres Rally's Official Press Release

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