giovedì 16 maggio 2013

KTM: Strong growth in Q1 2013

Sales increase to 26,029 vehicles (+34.1% to previous year) and increase in revenue to 163.5 mio. EUR (+20.5% to previous year)

In the first quarter 2013 KTM sold 26,029 vehicles worldwide, thereof more than 1,400 units of the 200 Duke were sold in India by our partner Bajaj. This results in an increase in sales of 34.1% to previous year and a revenue of 163.5 mio. EUR (+20.5% to previous year).

Still strong declining market development in Europe and US; positive development in Asia

Despite a still strong declining development in the core markets of Europe and the US this sales increase results in gains of market shares. Although the total European market declined considerably by 19.2% in the first quarter 2013 market shares could be increased by 9.4% to 7.8%. In the US, where registrations on the total market decreased by 14.0%, market shares could be increased by 23.3% to 4.7%.

„The successful launch of the new 1190 Adventure was crucial for the sales increase in Europe. The implementation of a global product strategy shows a very positive development in Asia where sales could be more than quintupled compared to previous year." explains Stefan Pierer, CEO of KTM AG.


Due to the economic situation the declining development especially on the European, but also on the US market is expected to continue.

By launching new models KTM consequently follows a global product strategy and expansion into Asian markets. Under these circumstances KTM expects further increases in sales and revenue for the business year 2013.

- KTM Press Release

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