martedì 16 aprile 2013

Tough Weekend for the Husqvarna Junior MX Team by Bud Racing

The Husqvarna Junior MX Team by Bud Racing travelled in full force to the Grand Prix of Trentino, which took place in front of the majestic Alps not far from the Lake Garda. Sadly in the first round of the European 125 Championship David Herbreteau could not score the expected results, nor could Benoit Paturel who started with a wildcard in the MX2 World Championship.

At the foot of majestic mountains, the track of Arco di Trento with its deep ruts and many small stones which caused the low grip-level, forced a lot of riders to show all their skills. Setting the fourth fastest lap time in his group, David started his day well and took later a very good start in his qualifying race. But a small crash near the end of the qualifying race ruined everything, so that the young French found himself in fifteenth position and misplaced on the starting grid of the race. This handicap would force David to attack right from the beginning in both races. Sadly he did not have the opportunity because at the end of the first lap he made a mistake when approaching a quick jump and crashed heavily. Thankfully no serious injuries were detected but due to the pain in the lower back, David was forced to watch the second round as spectator from the pit lane.

After two podiums in the French Elite MX championship, Benoit Paturel was given a 'wildcard' for the GP of Trentino, one month before the start of the European MX2 Championship. The young French from the area of Lyon was fighting the whole weekend with the track conditions and never could show his real speed, also due to his twenty-first qualifying finish and his two unlucky starts in the races. At least the point gained in the second race was a small consolation of his efforts. David and Benoit will be part of the French team next weekend at the European Motocross of Nations in Castelnau de Lévis (France).

Benoit Paturel: "It was a complicated weekend, I did not have a good feeling with the track and maybe I put too much pressure on myself. In the free practice sessions I was not able to set fast times, but finally I could improve myself to set the 13th fastest lap time. In qualifying I had a bad start and I couldn't find my rhythm. This morning I was 11th in the warm up, but in the first race I was really tense and not happy with my riding-style and in the second one I could not improve. So tomorrow I will go back to work to do better in the next races."

David Herbreteau: "It was a very difficult weekend which I want to forget very quickly after this big crash in the first race, which ended my race. I am very disappointed; it's a shame because I crashed in qualifying by trying to overtake the guy in front of me on the double and was dropped back into fifteenth place. In the first race I had good speed but this heavy crash in the first lap ruined everything. Normally I don't do such mistakes, I think I need to be more calm and focused, without trying to achieve too much too fast."

- Husqvarna Racing News

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