sabato 9 febbraio 2013

FIM Cross Country Rally World Championship 2013

This year´s FIM Cross Country Rally World Championship kicks off in a couple of months. In 2013 we are going to assist to 6 races (they were just 4 in 2012) and the two comebacks are Argentina (Desafio Ruta 40) and Brazil (Sertoes Rally). An Argentinian race was already in the calendar till 2007 and the name was "Rally por Los Pampas". The Brazilian race was in the calendar till 2010 with the same name.
The only race in Europe is the Sardegna Rally Race.

Schedule - FIM Cross Country Rally World Championship 2013
04/05  -   04/11    Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge (Abu Dhabi)
04/28  -   05/04    Qatar Sealine Cross-Country Rally (Qatar)
05/31  -   06/05    Sardegna Rally Race (Sardinia)
06/15  -   06/22    Desafio Ruta 40 (Argentina)
07/23  -   08/04    Sertoes Rally (Brazil)
09/28  -   10/05    Pharaons Rally (Egypt)

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