mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

Brit Bliss is the 2013 O'Neal Model Search winner!

Brit Bliss is the 2013 O'Neal Model Search winner! If you want to get a little more info about her you can read this interview:

Tacoma, WA

March 22nd

Favorite Food:
Crab rangoon

Favorite Band/Music:
Anything with a good dance beat

What 3 things can you not leave home without:
My phone, purse, and gum

Favorite place on earth:
Anywhere there is a gorgeous beach

What do you do for fun? Hobbies?:
I play A LOT of video games

I have a dog named Freya, and two cats - Khepri & Mace.

Any New Year's resolutions:
I'm going to eat cleaner & work on my personal fitness.

What would people be surprised to know about you:
I'm a mom of two toddlers!

Do you ride:
I've never had a bike, but I loved (and had) an ATV

How did you come to start modeling:
I started when I was in high school just for the fun of it

What has been your favorite modeling job so far, (besides of course winning the 2013 O'Neal Model Search!):
I worked for Maxim Magazine, and that was the big opening to my career

How did you hear about the O'Neal model search contest:
I had heard about it from a friend

Who will you be bringing with you to LA:
Honestly, I'm not sure yet

What "touristy" type things do you plan on doing while in LA:
I want to see a comedy club, hit the beach, and go shopping

Any idea on what you are going to spend your prize money on:
I'm thinking about spoiling my babies with it.

As Miss O'Neal 2013, what do you most look forward to:
I look forward the to the title, getting to work with O'Neal, and the whole package that comes with that

And now, the most important question: Are you single or taken:
I'm taken. Sorry, boys. ;)

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